List the Demographics: Professional female 35-60 Women in Sales and Network Marketing Household income level between $40,000-$75,000 US Is working a JOB and/or is engaged in a home based business part time Has been in sales for 2+ years, and not reaching her full potential Know that their income potential is dependent on their self-development Position requires they must sell and recruit Longs for skills to recruit and grow sales team Top priority is to grow themselves
List the Psychographics: Biggest Fear, Frustration, Pain 1 steps forward and 2 steps back growth is on again, off again Feel stuck, are experiencing a complete lack of momentum Feel like they can't motivate or inspire themselves They feel disappointed, stuck or stalled They are getting tired of hitting the same blocks over and over They have low self-confidence, don't feel like they deserve success Feel alone, sometimes lose hope in the dream They are doing everything they have been taught, still not experiencing success
Wants Want to grow FASTER Want the business to be easier to be in flow in stead of struggle Want a safe place to share and grow Want someone to believe in them Want to belong to something that is moving Want to be given permission to be themselves Want to believe it is possible
Needs Need to increase sales Need to break free from blocks/ruts to get into action Need REAL tools to for personal change, and team development Need to increase personal confidence Need a mentor they can turn to Need outside motivation and education for their team Need to learn how to teach, coach, and mentor their team
Hot Button Feeling that nothing will improve if they don't do something different Old tools are stale and no longer working Time is running out Others are passing them by They are missing out on something Recognize they can't do this alone.
My ideal client: Willing to Pay our price Willing to Do the work Willing to Show up and commit Are open and searching for self-improvement Are open minded, ready to change Take responsibility for their own results Can't get enough of us, so they upgrade their packages, and buy EVERYTHING we create Talk about us non-stop to others Deep desire to make a HUGE difference
What solutions do you provide to solve their problem? Teach them the Neuroscience behind their "stuckness" Give them a community to belong to Teach them tools to shift the mental, emotional, and physical state NOW Teach them how to teach and coach their teams Provide resources to help them reach their goals Get real results FAST